dig the sitcom styling and the writing is not bad
I particularly liked the final punchline
as it was unexpected.
good stuff
dig the sitcom styling and the writing is not bad
I particularly liked the final punchline
as it was unexpected.
good stuff
nice work, simple and effective.
I really like the wobbly lines,
think it will be great with audio
(maybe voice based?)
Awesome stuff!
Thank you!
Yeah I still plan to use the general design for future logo use, and will definitely have some fun with soundwork then.
This current version I unfortunately won't be using to market my animated work, mostly because I came across an already established musician using the same name and didn't want the hassle of any infringement claims coming to bite me later on. So this stands as more proof of concept.
this looks great!
great atmosphere and ill trailer!
Hey xenofilm, how yo doing?
I'm so glad that you liked the atmosphere!
Diacrisis need some support to keep on going, I can tell ya that more is coming, from me, I could do games all day if I could eheh
There's plenty animation inside of it too, it's a very rich game :D
Thank you for your review, this means a lot to me!
some of this is reminiscent of the early works of Run Wrake.
Really nice stuff here, I dig it!
good script, would have liked a little more!
Climbing the stairs on my skill level. I have to be mediocre before I can be great.
nice work! Life is but a dream!
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!
nice work!
Thanks mate!
this lovely work, would love to see the final version
Thank you! I'll do my best!
Xeno makes Science Fiction
Joined on 4/17/19